What is Yoga?

Many people are turning to yoga, not only to attain physical fitness, but also for its therapeutic healing properties including stress management. The word ‘yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit root word ‘yui’ meaning to ‘yoke’ or ‘join’, and the ultimate goal of yoga is therefore to unite body, mind and spirit. Regular practice has a holistic impact on the body and mind. While toning the body, the mind becomes calm and tranquil, resulting in a sense of inner and outer balance. In total contrast to mindless repetition of exercises, yoga requires involvement of the mind, and whereas many forms of exercise strain muscles and bones, yoga gently rejuvenates and restores.


healthier lifestyle has become a priority for many, necessitating a mindful approach to life, a balanced diet and of course regular exercise as an effective way to reduce stress. Yoga has been proven to be one of the best ways to release stress and to promote peaceful sleep. At 'Yoga do it' in Bryanston, yoga sequences are designed to stretch and tone the entire body, while the relaxation at the end of the session will leave you feeling quiet, calm and restored.

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga is an internationally recognised form of Hatha Yoga

Power Yoga

Power Yoga is a combination of Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga


Meditation is a valued system of many yoga traditions ..

Yoga Styles

What is the difference between Iyengar and other yoga styles eg. Power Yoga?​ 


Iyengar Yoga is a very precise form with emphasis on body alignment, timing (holding of postures) and use of props.

Power Yoga is an energetic Vinyasa style which flows rhythmically from one posture into the next and promotes heat build up. Great emphasis is placed on the breath, and props are seldom used.

Yoga is not a ‘quick fix’ it requires application and dedication, however the rewards of a healthy body and mind are immeasurable.