Health Habits BLOG

Guide to Yoga Offered at Yogadoit



This concise guide helps you understand how these different styles offer distinct experiences, making it easier to find the practice that best suits your goals. Whether you want precision, strength, mindfulness, or a hybrid experience, each approach supports your well-being in a unique way.


1. Iyengar Yoga: Precision and Alignment


Iyengar yoga, developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, is known for its strong emphasis on alignment and precision. It utilizes props such as blocks, straps, and blankets to help practitioners achieve correct posture in each pose. Iyengar focuses on holding poses longer to deepen the practice and refine alignment.


Who It’s For:  
Iyengar yoga is ideal for those who enjoy a methodical approach to movement. It’s particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries or anyone interested in improving posture and stability.


What to Expect:  
A slower-paced class focused on alignment and detail. Expect detailed guidance from instructors, with an emphasis on props to support the body’s position in each pose.




2. Power Yoga: Strength and Endurance


Power yoga is an intense, fitness-oriented style based on Ashtanga yoga, but with more flexibility in sequencing. It’s designed to build strength, stamina, and flexibility, making it a vigorous practice suitable for those looking for a workout as well as a yoga experience.


Who It’s For:  
If you're looking for a high-energy class that focuses on building strength and endurance, Power yoga is a great fit. It’s excellent for individuals who want a dynamic, sweat-inducing workout with the benefits of yoga.


What to Expect:  
Expect a fast-paced class with a focus on strong, athletic poses that challenge both your strength and flexibility. Classes often include sequences like sun salutations, standing postures, and balances, with little rest between movements.




3. Meditation: Mindfulness and Presence


While not technically a physical style of yoga, meditation is often considered the heart of yoga practice. Meditation is the art of stilling the mind and becoming aware of the present moment. Many yoga classes end with a period of meditation to integrate the physical practice.


Who It’s For:  
Meditation is beneficial for anyone seeking mental clarity, stress relief, and a deeper sense of inner peace. It’s ideal for those interested in cultivating mindfulness and presence in their everyday lives.


What to Expect:  
In a meditation class or session, you may be guided through various techniques such as breath awareness, visualization, or mantra repetition. Sessions can range from 10 minutes to an hour, and they encourage sitting in stillness and observing your thoughts without attachment.




4. Power Hybrid Yoga: Strength Meets Mind-Body Balance


Power Hybrid Yoga is a custom fusion that combines traditional yoga postures with targeted exercises and the use of weight equipment. This practice blends yoga’s flexibility and balance focus with strength training, led by a personal training facilitator for tailored adjustments. It’s designed to build overall body strength and endurance while maintaining the mindful awareness of yoga.


Who It’s For:  
Power Hybrid Yoga is perfect for individuals looking for a comprehensive workout that combines strength training with the benefits of yoga. It’s great for people who want to improve flexibility while also working on muscular endurance and body conditioning.


What to Expect:  
In a Power Hybrid Yoga class, you’ll move through a combination of yoga poses and exercises using equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, or kettlebells. The class is led by a personal trainer, who guides you through each move to ensure proper form. Expect a balanced blend of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.