Health Habits BLOG

Health is Wealth


There can be no doubt: ‘health is wealth’. So what can you do to ensure you give yourself the best chance to experience health? A few small changes to your lifestyle can make a huge difference in the long run. Here are some simple changes you can easily implement in order to become a ‘more healthy you’:



Mental Health

• Think happy thoughts
• Choose a more positive approach
• Laugh more (smile while you drive)



• Choose fresh above processed food
• Plan balanced wholesome meals 
• Steam veggies to crisp only
• Eat fresh fruit and veg daily
• Decrease red meat intake
• Drink enough water
• Reduce coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks
• When depleted - take vitamin and mineral supplements




• Use stairs instead of lifts or escalators
• Apply your new years ‘exercise resolution’ – better late than never!
• Exercise with a group – it helps with motivation
• Choose a form of exercise like yoga with its many benefits:

1) You can continue with it in your later years
2) It combines deep stretching, alignment and body-mind awareness
3) Breathing plays an integral and vital part
4) It alleviates stress and promotes peaceful sleep

In combination with your mental approach and diet, the importance of an exercise like yoga cannot be emphasised enough. In addition to stress and weight reduction, yoga can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The resultant increase in energy levels will promote an overall feeling of confidence and well-being.

The above suggestions require simple new behaviour patterns. Make them achievable by implementing one at a time. Give yourself credit for successfully applying them, and refrain from self-criticism if you don’t follow through all the time. In this way you will not only attain a balanced life style but also a healthy self image.